Guilty Pleasure

Ok, so I'm a fan of the reality show Big Brother. I'll be honest, I really like survivor too. Me and the wife used to enjoy Donald Trump's Apprentice but that has really gone downhill. I'm not sure what it is about these shows because I didn't like them at all when they premiered in the late 90's. But just in the past 2-3 years I've been addicted. I actually caught Big Brother because I used to have a Tivo and if you've ever used a Tivo then you know that it has an option you can enable where the Tivo unit itself will look at the shows you've chosen to record and then choose other programs that it thinks are similar in nature to the ones you have selected. A lot of the stuff it tapes is absolute crap but one summer it did start taping Big Brother. In fact, I hadn't checked the taped programs list for several weeks and I had like 9 episodes waiting there to view. So I gave it a try.
I think I only got into it because I had so many episodes available to me to watch all at once. If I only would have had one to watch and then had to wait another few days to see the next episode then I probably would have bailed. But having a lazy Saturday afternoon and 9 pre-taped episodes led to me clamoring for more BB madness.
I think at the heart of it I like it so much because it really does mirror the politics of the world. You have these 14 people all stuck in this house, just like you have the 6 billion Earth population all stuck on the same planet. Then the fun starts and you see how people align with one another against other groups or individuals. Maybe it's a really bad lesson they are teaching, but it really is interesting if you pay attention past the stupid show challenges and mindless banter. Everyone is a politician in this house and they are all trying to just survive to the next week.
It's really a microcosm of our world. People will say what they have to just like real politicians. Whatever needs to be done to preserve thier future is done. Deals are sometimes made with unsavory players and sometimes all out clashes occur when one alliance completley hates another. And there are also usually floater players that have not aligned with alliances, just like there are more nuetral countries in the world.
This show really can give you an education on political scenarios. Yes, you have to infer and look beneatht he fluff, but it is definitley there. Again, I'm not making a moral judgement on the lesson's this show is teaching but I can definitely confirm that it makes great TV for all!
Check out this daily updated blog as to what's happenning in the current BB7 house.
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