Tuesday, August 30, 2005

You Can Mutually Respect My A$?!

So I've been out of college for a little while now. I've been in the working world pushing papers now since January of 2000. So I think this makes me an expert on interoffice relations. Or at least it does to me. I won't name any names or anything, but what is it about people not respecting each other in the office. Particularly managers disrespecting thier underlings. I don't really get it. Yeah, there are your run of the mill prick wannabe power mongers. But I have also seen this spring up as behavior from perfectly nice individuals. Obviously stress plays in tot his and how well these people deal with stress, but come on!. When it occurs time and time again and people feel like they are being reprimanded for things they didn't even do, then a line has to be drawn and I'd like to draw it.

Am I a hothead? No, I don't think so. Am I coarse or selfish? Well, that might be closer to the truth. But do I respect the people I work with? Absofuckinglutley! I learned a log time ago that respect given is respect gained. Not always from the same people that are dealing with each other but it's kind of karmic in a sense. At least that's how I see it.

But what makes truly disrespectful people this way? Do they really need people to feel subservient to them? Does it make them feel powerful? Because where is the power in not being respected by the people that work under you. I'm not sure there is any real power. There is certainly a fear factor as far as your job being stripped away from you, but is there real power? I think real power comes from respect and making people feel good about being lead by you. That doesn't happen in to many companies. Kinda sad, isn't it. I guess it really is true....that it's just way easier to be an asshole than to be a real leader.

This post kinda sucked. Man, am I losing my touch? :(


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