Actually Becoming Handy

So I haven't posted in a while. What a lazy shit I must be. But I guess nobody is probably reading my blog, so in the end, it really doesn't matter. I've actually been trying to think of things to blog about and nothing has really taken me by storm. Doesn't that suck when life is so utterly content? I mean, the struggle really is the interesting part of it all and my struggle seems to be ever fading away. I better not say that too loud, somebody might hear me and then start to make my life difficult just out of spite.
I did do a couple of home improvement projects which I must say turned out rather well. Me and the wife painted the master bathroom, and although the color is a little brighter than we wanted, we were very pleased with our taping and painting skills. I also completed my first ever tiling project. I tiled the front porch of my house with natural slate tiles. I must say it turned out really nicely. Wasn't that hard either, only time consuming since I did it all by my lonesome.
But with the combination of these two tasks, I now have the confidence I need to attack just about any home project i can probably think of. Next will be applying those same tiling skills on the two bathrooms. This will be a little more difficult as I will be doing the tile in more of a pattern as opposed to a straight grid. Also, I'll need to mount backer board which is something I didn't have to do on the front porch since that was concrete already.
But regardless, I'm actually impressed with myself and I look forward to these projects. It's very true what they say about doing these things yourself as opposed to hiring the job out. You take much more pride in it and you enjoy it in ways you never thought possible. I suppose this could spellthe end of the Hart family tradition of never doing anything yourself when there is someone you can pay to do it for you. Oh well, time for a change in family direction.
Click here for more of my porch pics
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